Friday, February 11, 2005

touching on the Rao row

So what’s all going on with this reluctance to apologise? Not that this strikes me as the key issue in this shocking episode, but it’s a big one, and it emphasises once more the priorities of a government for which spontaneity of compassion is a complete no-no.

Apart from behaviour from ministers – Ruddock is the worst example – that makes me feel ashamed, what this story highlights is something this government has been routinely and peremptorily denying for years, despite so many reports from individuals in the medical and psychiatric fields contradicting them, that those in detention centres are well looked after and have nothing to complain about (with always the implication that they’re probably treated far better than they deserve). They’ve been getting away with this crap for years now, and the lack of a concerted public outcry has been demoralising. Of course with these revelations about an Australian citizen (shock horror) being treated so shabbily, the reports that have trickled out have received spectacular confirmation. The government is resisting a public enquiry, as well as a public apology, and that’s not acceptable. They must be thoroughly pursued on this one, for the sake of all those who’ve been criminally neglected and abused in detention centres in this country.

Some plants doing well in the back yard, others definitely not. Soil in some areas, especially near the house, is atrocious, grey with cement left over from construction. Planting out ‘silver mist’ cinerarias, all doing badly in the ground despite much watering. Also basil and capsicum plants struggling. I’ve just potted a couple of the cinerarias, two in the one pot, using very little soil, lots of potting mix, high and low grade, some particulate fertiliser, and garden mulch. See how they go.

Concerned about a ‘tioga’ strawberry recently planted. Just dosed it with water after a few days’ neglect. It was looking very droopy. The label suggest lots of sunlight (I haven’t chosen the sunniest position for it), and using animal manure and compost beforehand (I didn’t). I think I’ve stuffed that one, done all the wrong things. I’m thinking of turning to pots more.

Have also been delivered of a shed, which somehow I have to erect. Means concrete pouring, buying and laying pavers, and designing a garden around the thing. Have decided to plant an albizia dulabrissin in the front, along with lots and lots of bulbs.

A little while ago I added comments to a religious piece in Online Opinion, reflecting on the tsunami tragedy (see my two posts ‘something more current’ and ‘oh mal’). The author did respond, which was positive, but I didn’t go on with the exchange. However the debate is still alive and one of the religious has further responded to my comments. I don’t want to continue the debate there, because it’s too far removed from the spirit of the original article, so I’ll continue with it here – though the gentleman won’t be able to respond to my response since he (along with the rest of the world) doesn’t know this blog exists.


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