Sunday, February 13, 2005

hey i'm linking

Should’ve checked out the experts again before gung-hoing into the composting. Apparently I should’ve chopped leaves up to no more than two inches. And if you don’t?

Here’s a summary of composting, to help me do it right.

A hot pile is best, and quickest, with inter alia a 30:1 carbon-nitrogen ratio. It also of course involves more care and work. It can reach a heat of 140 degrees Fahrenheit (obviously an American site), and attracts none but the best thermophylic bacteria.

Carbons are gotten from leaves and dried hay, nitrogen from grass and manure. This is nowhere near specific enough for me. No mention is made of food scraps for example. Greenish ones carboniferous, others nitrogenous? Recommended to end with a carbon layer, but I’m not really layering at all.

Finished compost will have only 25-40% of the volume of the original. Can take as long as 2 tears, and probably will in my case, in spite of it’s being only a wee bin. Compost will reach maturity from the bottom up, and mature compost will ‘smell sweet, woodsy and earthy’. Hmmm.

The pile should be turned regularly. I don’t want to be doing too much of that at this smelly stage. It really would make me sick. I’ll wait about a year….

The Cornelia Rao debacle is naturally being debated on John Quiggin’s site. It’s fascinating that, within a couple of days of Quiggin’s 100 word or so posting, the near-100 comments have created a book-length volume on the case, from a number of perspectives. Of course some comments are more or less totally irrelevant, some are unworthy of the issue, but the majority are stimulating, informative, thought-provoking, quirky. So I really need to get my own site better developed, and to comment on others more. It’s really the most exciting development in writing in my lifetime.

Have been looking at Troppo Armadillo, particularly excellent, and other sites on the Rao row, and I’m really getting into the swing of things, just have to make some of this happen on my own blogsite. Might even go into collaboration with others if possible.

What I’ve so far gleaned from the bloggers and commentators re the Rao row (my spin). The Rao saga began when she was picked up by Queensland police in northern Queensland, and transferred to a Brisbane gaol (I don’t yet know on what charges she was gaoled). Locked up in Baxter since Nov 29 2004, according to one account. She was put on a missing persons list in NSW, but there are problems of communications and shared databases between different state police forces apparently. Other claims have been made that she was locked up in a detention centre, presumably Baxter, for 10 months, even though she spoke, in her ‘madness’, in a broad Aussie accent, when she wasn’t speaking German (she claimed to be Anna Schmidt, a German citizen). Her story was broken by Andra Jackson in The Age on January 31, apparently before Anna’s real identity (identity, now there’s an interesting word) was revealed. Interestingly, in Jackson’s original piece Anna/Cornelia was described as an 18 year-old. I believe she’s actually 39.


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