Friday, February 18, 2005

what some girls do

So, they get more inebriated and uninhibited, the half-dozen male strippers come on (and they’re young and beautiful, all waxed and shiny in the modern fashion), and the women’s clothes start to come off. They urge each other on, and often go for the strippers in groups like ants to a honeypot (some connection with the way women visit the loos together in public nightspots), providing safety in numbers but also reinforcing each other in the acceptability/daringness of their behaviour – which runs the gamut up to full sex up on the stage or on secluded sofas, and which seems to include quite a bit of impulsive lesbian exploration, as the spirit moves in them.

Superindulgent Western decadence of course, but is this also to be dismissed as dysfunctional sex? There’s no doubt that many of these women – only women are allowed in it seems – have boyfriends, partners, husbands, and have healthy sex lives and happy relationships outside this scenario. A sociobiological explanation seems more satisfactory here than one based on dysfunction or even lack of self-discipline. It could be argued that this isn’t about reproductive strategies, since the women have no desire to become impregnated by these male strippers, any more than men go to prostitutes in the hope of impregnating them, but I think this misses the point, that our desire to have sex with certain people just is a reproductive urge, though our own understanding of that desire doesn’t really involve conscious thoughts about reproduction. It’s going on far below the level of our awareness.


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