Thursday, December 02, 2004

not very chatty

The news from the chat forums isn’t inspiring. One clear finding: don’t go into just general chat rooms, the conversation’s inane and full of smiley symbols and acronymic clichés, and with forty-plus chatters it’s hard to even get noticed (even harder if you don’t write anything, but you have to find something that inspires you to respond).

The best I could find was a so-called arts and literature room, still too crowded, and full of yanks and poms. They have a ‘local’, Australia/New Zealand room of this kind, but it was empty, make of it what you will. I threw in a couple of remarks upon remarks, plodding and late, and received responses, which was exciting enough to exit with. The level of chat was certainly a step up, but that still isn’t saying much. Ideally I’d prefer a room with a half dozen chatters, no more, and I get the impression that most of these characters are equipped with cams, so they can actually see each other, though not all at the same time, who knows how it works. Think I’d be better off visiting a pub. Still, I may try again, it’s cheap.

The fantasy side, the evening indulge, I don’t feel like elaborating too much but to say it’s so easy and tempting, there’s so much, so many, amazing some of it, and deliriating fun, with women of gape-making beauty who can some of them also look smart, and sassy, and happy, and intense of feeling, and thoughtful, and open, and kind, anything you care to imagine. But it really is better off visiting a pub, or anything, I need regular reality checks, perhaps every single night.

I’ve tried to organise for myself a visit to the cinema, Somersault’s playing at the Nova, right at the heart of the action, but it was going to be on my todd, Sarah’s not interested, she’s a little unadventurous, it ticks me off because always, always if she can be dragged along to see a good film she wonders aloud what it was she could possibly have had against seeing it, but when the next opportunity comes along… and now, an opportunity to head off instead to the pub for some chit-chat with nobody new, and I’ll probably take the line of least resistance. At least it means heading out.

Had a useful bike ride around the Hindmarsh Bowden Brompton area, doing some banking. Planned to hitch it like a horse and head into a saloon for some chardonnay and Proust, but no lock for it. Bike-riding’s better for the legs than the belly I suspect, and the arms particularly require attention, with dumb-bells and the like. Time to monitor my progress to superspecimenhood before I cark it, with dumb-bells, Pilates, and the Carnegie ultimate abs kit.

Food intake very reasonable. Usual breakfast, with cream cheese replacing the avocado, usual lunch, bacon and salad, and identical dinner to last night (lots of bacon to get through). An apple and a banana. Breezy blue day, the weather hugely affects my sense of fitness (in all senses of that word), hate temperature extremes.


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