Friday, March 04, 2005

the fine art of bludging

One i forgot to post from a week or so ago.
I’m an unemployable dole bludger. As such I’ve been sent by Centrelink to a Job Network provider, namely Ask Employment (a Catholic mob, to add insult to injury), where I’ve been told – I was interviewed two days ago – that I must do 100 hours, over four weeks, of job-search training. To get out of this I could give up on Centrelink benefits. This would of course reduce my circs but I’d still survive. I’m reluctant though because of a kind of vendetta I have with Centrelink. I incurred a huge debt with them eons ago, involving a court case and the whole shemozzle, a cool amount of $19000 (nout by comparison with what the ‘illegals’ are being forced to pay for their ‘accommodation’), because I claimed payment from one department rather than another while I was a student. Long story.
The difference between the two payments was negligible, and I wasn’t doing it out of greed, and I’m convinced that demanding all of the money back is an injustice, so I’m intent on collecting my entitlement for as long as possible (my foster-carer subsidy isn’t treated as income, so everything’s perfectly legal) so that the owings will continue to be deducted from their payments to me – in effect they’re paying themselves. I only have, according to my unreliable calcs, about $850 left to pay. So I’m prepared to go through the hoops, and it should be interesting to report on what those hoops are.
I’ve been given a swatch of papers by my Ask worker (a useful contact as she’s previously jobbed in housing and welfare, so I could actually pick up paid work through this stuff, as long as it’s not too much, for I don’t want to be severed from Centrelink for reasons above, and of course I just don’t have the time or the inclination for F/T work), including a couple of sheets titled ‘job search training confirmation of hours,’ in which I have to account for every tick-tock to show that I’m jumping through the correct hoops using the correct techniques. I’ve been asked to mark down time spent looking through the paper and on the net etc, which sounds easy to bullshit through, but they want me to attach the jobs I’ve looked up and applied for to the confirmation of hours sheets, so I may have to bite the bullet…


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