Friday, May 20, 2005


Again the Force is against me. This time it was at Barista that I tried to post a comment, on the Galloway performance, but my comment was ‘denied for questionable content’. This was an instantaneous thing, so clearly I’d failed to pass some automatic filter. Perusing my comment, the only problem I could find with it, in my humble opinion, was my use of the word ‘arse’, an anodyne enough word. I changed it to ‘backside’ and tried again, but got the same message. Then, at the very bottom (i.e. arse or backside), I noticed this weird and possibly explanatory message, doubtless from the god I don’t believe in:

Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at plugins/Blacklist/lib/Blacklist/ line 44.

I’m sure this means that I’ve been blacklisted by every reputable blogsite. Anyway, I’ll post my comment huffily here.

Those of us who lapped up gorgeous George's performance the other day haven't necessarily gone over to his side - but I trust that DJ has more evidence against him than the US Senate seems to.
Apart from anything else, the speech might provoke bloggers - like myself - to get off their backsides (or on their backsides) and find out more about the oil-for-food scandal that Galloway has tried to make the real issue (as well as the war and its victims).
I mean he's surely right in arguing that these investigations are massively hypocritical in the context of the US's deceitful warmongering and the profiteering that has gone with it.
Sadly and predictably, the American media, in many ways as compliant as the media in a dictatorship, have given little space to Galloway's delicious riposte.


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