Friday, March 04, 2005

health and fitness, seriously

Bought another pedo, having returned the other to my erstwhile, and yesterday was my first full day with it. Achieved the regulation 10000 plus, with the help of a briskish late evening walk, 35 minutes or so. I’m hoping to reach the stage where I can chuck the pedo out like a toddler’s dummy, and get into more serious fitness stuff. The gym beckons, and I could rejoin today. Was biffed yesterday evening at a dinner for the erstwhile’s son, at which one daughter made a casual remark about me in leotards. Another daughter was put off her dinner by the hideousness of the image. I’ll show em.
Brekky this morn, weeties with vanilla yoghurt, and two pieces of buttered toast – this butter must be my last.
There are so many things I can do, apart from gymming. Swimming, cycling, walking, the barbells (just done some), regular sit ups, the exercise machine (the climber), pilates (via my book) and the Carnegie fitness system, all easily available to me, so there’s no excuse. My future days will be filled with graphs and charts and measurements.


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