Tuesday, November 09, 2004

elections and funny governments

Fabulous weather to stretch into, and my feverishness has faded.

Friday, November 19, Enfield, 10 am, for interview. Bring filled out forms sent. Bring copy of lease, and other documents, for identification and other purposes.

Bush’s America. Crikey reports that even the Grand Canyon has to bow to this regime’s religious take on the world. The US Parks Service has been ordered to stock a publication called Grand Canyon: a different view, in which geological gradualism is denied in favour of six-day creationism. They don’t say who made the order.

The Iraqi elections will use the Hare system of proportional representation, and all of Iraq will form a single electorate. I don’t know if the Hare System is identical to the Hare Clark Quota Preferential Method, favoured by Australia’s Proportional Representation Society, but it sounds like an effective election system. Most European democracies favour some sort of proportional representation system, unlike America of course.


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