Sunday, March 13, 2005

a fair day, a red day, a green day, a rough old day, a new day

and she arrived at last, nut brown maid
I called her, hard rocky crow call
but all I wanted was the smile again, and got that
and got more, a first rite, slow over her neck and arms
a warm, solemn touch

back to the ordinary day, dust and heat
brackish gum leaf, needles and ‘corns
a city’s green swirl, my dirty black mouth, my slouch
and home, just holding off the slime of a dazed passion
contrasting, what a contrast

refreshed, goodly, I returned
faint with faint hope, slightly shameful silly old grey hope
watched dumb as a friend, lover, friend
slipped an arm about her, slipped it off again like silk
the fair’s colour’s red but I’m green and green

better than being colourless, and the smile she gives me
it is all right just maybe


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